This year we are thrilled to announce that, thanks to our sponsor Wessex Water and working in partnership with Chippenham Half Marathon. We will be providing fresh tap water and reducing the use of single use plastic cups. Contestants, families and friends will be able to fill their own bottles at any of the Wessex Water HydroZone refill stations. Compostable …
Post Half Marathon Recovery – It starts as soon as you’ve crossed the line!
Half marathon recovery week begins the moment you cross the finish line on race day. The most important thing to remember during this time, and it does depend on the temperature on race day and how long your individual race took, is to hydrate. Ideally consume beverages that contain some electrolytes because your body will most likely be deficient in …
Why do we run? An exploration of running and mental health
You chat to a runner during a social run, park run or at a race, or even these days through social media channels, and ask them why did they start running. For everyone of us ‘runner types’ you will find a slightly different story and we often find that the reason we are still running years later is unrelated to …